“Playing games is proper behavior for children. Toys act as children’s angels.”

– L.S.

BananaShip Storybooks
The curiosity of a child is beyond what an adult can imagine. The elements of a storybook can satisfy a child’s curiosity for exploring the world. It also gives children more opportunities to think and encourage logical thought processing. – Peiting Wang

Storybooks play an important role in a child’s growing years. A good storybook nurtures a child’s development. With a simple story, we can teach many important life principles, such as honesty, modesty, family values, respect, sharing, sympathy, responsibility, teamwork, helpfulness etc… In time, we can imperceptibly instill these good values in children.BananaShip’s e-storybooks are created for use with tablet devices, combining stories and games, so children can interact with the characters and decide how the story proceeds. The kids can change the looks of a character based on descriptions in the story. This allows the child’s imagination to go wild and create!BananaShip storybooks are in the making. It’s coming soon!