Story Behind Dogphy

Dogphy came to us in the Spring of 2007. We’ve longed to create an animation, but never had the chance. During the annual Digital Contents Award competition, we decided to grasp the opportunity and create to our hearts’ desire. We wanted to create an animation with a exciting storyline so the character can bring happiness and comfort to its audience. If we use a human character, it seems the storyline would be limited, so we decided to create a fictional being. After trying out a multitude of odd combinations, we chose Dogphy.

The birth of Dogphy brought passion to our world. Just when we’re ready to revolve around our new creation and go crazy, we were drowned by incoming work, and thus, Dogphy was drowned as well. We were forced to let it off the main stage. After the new year celebration in 2011, 363 Design Studio became BananaShip Creative Studio. Our focus went from animation to games with the same need of storylines and a favorable character, so we dug Dogphy out from hiding. Two years later, what we like and what the market demaded has changed, so we decided to give Dogphy a makeover.

Perhaps it was influence from Adventure Time and Regular Show, Dogphy got a little chubbier and its eyes became big and circular. It was reshaped to, almost, a geometric shape type of body and uses a back pack like Finn, now. Maybe it’s because Bananship members are all big foodies, as we were creating the model and trying to come up with a background story for Dogphy, we decided it would be a chef/adventurer. In another words, it goes on adventures for food and good ingredients. The backpack got an upgrade and became a magical mini-fridge that doesn’t need to be plugged in for food and ingredient storage.

Let us get to know the new Dogphy.
What adventures will Dogphy have?

As for whether Dogphy is an elephant or a dog… well… let’s just say it’s a newborn hybrid specie.
